On Long Distance Relationships: Communication (MCT💌 ATL)
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Part 1.
Hey everyone!
Most of you who read my blog are people in my personal life so you most likely know my relationship status. In general I would say I am pretty private of my relationships, of any kind. The reason you're asking yourself, relationshipS?I'm currently in a long distance relationship (LDR). There are different kinds of long distance relationships, mine is romantic, international, & thus perpetually distant. So here is a little insight into what it's like.
Thankfully for us we have met in real life (as opposed to online and the like) even though it was a short month +. I never really imagined myself in a LDR and it even weirds me out to think I am an example of one. Someone else, not close to home, was interested in exploring a relationship and because I didn't share the same feelings, LDR was my number one excuse. Obviously it takes the right person to make you take a leap into. . . uncertainty? And we (🍯 & I) decided we could make it work out for us so here we are, (only?) four months later.
When I came back to the states our time difference was eight hours and I knew the hours, we had daylight savings and although we only went back (or forward who the hell knows) an hour it really takes me unnecessary time to figure what time it is in Muscat. I usually have to open up to my phone to be sure.
🙈 It's so embarrassing for me to say that we haven't gotten into the habit of Skype-ing and by that I mean video chatting in general. It's funny that a few days after we actually downloaded the app, WhatsApp (our main means of communication) updated to add a video call feature. For now, we usually stick to texting and calling. I checked his contact and we've exchanged 1000 photos plus, I don't know if that's above, below, or about average. I had high hopes for Snapchat but my app is just slow and unresponsive it's not worth it. We downloaded a few two player apps so that we could do other kinds of things, but that died of kinda fast 😅.
It's a bummer because when he is getting out of work, it's usually time for me to go into work. He's going into work and I'm awake at a ridiculous time or I'm leaving work and he's awake at a ridiculous time. Usually it's one or the other sacrificing decent sleep hours/time. There are times where we barely get to text and our schedules just don't line up to phone call. I think many of the phone calls we have take place while I'm driving (safely/speakerphone) to and from places. When I am home I am doing chores or spending time with my family and a balance is important for me.
There have been one or two instances that for a couple days I have felt bummed out. Those were times where I felt like we sort of ran out of things to say or it felt as if there was some kind of relationship plateau. I recognize that it's just one of those days and before I know it it's gone. On that note, everyone always asks me what we talk about. I can't really explain it, but it mostly begins with our day, what we did, and then topics usually stem from that. It's actually funny how even being so far apart, we notice how we slowly take each other habits and isms. We'll start texting or talking like each other.
He's sent me gifts (thank you), and I AM NOT making an excuse for myself (yes I am) but shipping to Oman is like so unnecessary? It turns me off so hard, I am probably not looking hard enough but other than the fact that I don't understand addresses, shipping internationally from the seller is usually just as much as the shipment itself. It's truly frustrating. But 👏🏾 I 👏🏾 will 👏🏾 send 👏🏾 something 👏🏾 soon 👏🏾. But what we do send regularly, are memes. 😎
This is all I have for today! It naturally leaned towards "communication" so that's why I labeled it so.
This is more of an intro as I hope to keep giving a little more insight, get into the details and the reali-teas 🍵.
🐝 Melissa